Inside Out

Who says you have to wait until you’re settled in life to get serious with your relationship with God? Growing deep in your faith can start as early as today, no matter what your age is, so long as Christ is in you and you have started in the journey of a committed life that follows hard after Him.
David started early. He was a youth when he knew His God was not only the One who laid out His commands but is also a passionate God, the One who is worthy of love and devotion. The best expression of his longing for God is read in the Psalms:
“O God, You are my God, earnestly I will seek You;
my soul thirsts for You, my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
Psalm 63:1
God is worthy of our thirst because He is the living water by which any man can drink of and quench his thirst forever. You don’t need to experience all of life to come by that obvious truth. Christ is here. He is near. All you need is let Him be what your heart desires. Let Him in. Let Him fill you. Let Him change you from the inside out.

Author: BJ Villanueva

BJ Villanueva is a follower, student, and worshiper of Jesus, serving Him and God's family in Christian Bible Church of Las Pinas.

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